Global fundraising & campaigning

Project Client

The Morris & Rosalind Goodman Family Foundation

Project Description

RealDifferent worked with the Morris and Rosalind Goodman Family Foundation to develop a global campaign and fundraiser.

Release Date

January 16, 2023

Global fundraising & campaigning
About the project

The Morris and Rosalind Goodman Family Foundation (MRGFF) needed a campaign website to support their fundraising efforts for Israelis of Ethiopian origin. The foundation planned a journey in Ethiopia and Israel in 2023 but required an online platform to effectively communicate the mission and engage potential participants and donors.

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The solution

RealDifferent collaborated with MRGFF to develop a campaign website that addressed their specific needs. The website featured key components such as links to sign up for the journey, providing interested individuals with a straightforward way to express their interest and join the cause.

Furthermore, the website incorporated a detailed trip itinerary, offering visitors a clear understanding of the journey's planned activities and locations. Testimonials from previous participants or beneficiaries were also included, emphasizing the impact and significance of supporting Israelis of Ethiopian origin.

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The campaign website created by RealDifferent successfully supported the MRGFF's fundraising efforts. The website's features, including the sign-up and donation links, trip itinerary, and testimonials, effectively engaged visitors and facilitated their participation. Through the website, MRGFF was able to connect with a wider audience, raise awareness about their cause, and generate the necessary funds to support Israelis of Ethiopian origin. The website served as a central hub for information and donation opportunities, contributing to the success of the campaign and ultimately making a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

Global fundraising & campaigning