Online & mobile ordering for restaurants

Project Client


Project Description

RealDifferent built an online ordering solution for restaurants that can be added to any website, and be put on the App Stores.

Release Date

September 5, 2022

Online & mobile ordering for restaurants
About the project

The problem that RealDifferent aimed to solve was the lack of an efficient and user-friendly online ordering system for restaurants. Many restaurants faced challenges in setting up online ordering capabilities on their websites, which resulted in missed opportunities for increased revenue and customer satisfaction.

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The solution

RealDifferent developed a comprehensive online ordering solution that could be easily added to any restaurant's website. The process for restaurants to sign up was streamlined and straightforward. All the restaurant had to do was provide their menu, and DollarPerOrder would create a personalized online ordering system customized to the restaurant's brand and menu offerings.


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The results of the online ordering solution was significant. Restaurants that partnered with RealDifferent were able to quickly and effortlessly integrate the online ordering system into their website. This allowed customers to place orders for takeout, curbside pickup, or delivery directly through the restaurant's website. The orders were seamlessly sent to the restaurant's phone or tablet, enabling efficient order processing. As a result, restaurants experienced increased customer convenience, improved operational efficiency, and the ability to capture a larger share of the online food ordering market.

Online & mobile ordering for restaurants